CER Smart Metering Project – Phase 3 – Public Consultation

Fliuch members constantly look out for news about smart meters yet none of us saw this announced in any newspaper or on any radio or TV station – did you?

Putting a call out for public opinion during storms and flooding and so close to Christmas makes us suspect that the timing was deliberate and cynical.

We’ve looked through the five documents on the CER website (38 pages, 44 pages, 50 pages, 38 pages and 4 pages) and even though we have technically minded people even we found it difficult to see how a ‘regular’ member of the public could make an informed submission about this.

The CER has already made huge decisions that will affect all of us yet with extremely little input from the citizenry. Such big decisions that have economic, health and privacy implications for all of us should involve forums where people can physically attend, ask questions and make ‘amateur’ submissions (submissions that don’t involve getting a degree in electromechanics, communications or economics etc.).

We would encourage everyone to follow the smart meters link on this website and browse through other posts relating to smart meters.

Published: 8/Dec/2015

Response Deadline: 22/Jan/2016

Consultation Open – Responses to: smartmetering@cer.ie

CER has today, Tuesday 8 December 2015, published decisions relating to the rollout of Time of Use Tariffs (ToU) and Smart Pay-As-You-Go, to be facilitated by smart meters.

CER also invites views from members of the public and industry on proposed decisions relating to regulation of transition activities for market participants and consumer protection.

Closing date for responses is the 22nd of January 2016.

More: http://www.cer.ie/document-detail/SmartMeteringProject-Phase3/1021