Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) meeting Sandinos Bar Derry March 11, 2017
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the first meeting of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in Ireland.
On the 11th of March at 4pm in Sandinos Bar, Wateside, Derry the IWW will be holding it's first first meeting as part of a nationwide tour looking at the IWW both then and now.
The meeting will include a history of the IWW and an update on the ongoing process of forming an Irish section of the IWW- with an opportunity for those interested to voice their interest.
The evening will conclude with a social event with workers ballads and a chance to meet and talk to members of the IWW.
Welcome to the first Derry Radical Bookfair 2017
We are pleased to announce Derry’s first ever Radical Bookfair will take in Pilots Row Community Centre, Rossville Street, Derry on Saturday 28th January 2017.
The Radical Bookfair will play host to participants from all over Ireland and beyond. The first ever Radical Bookfair will take place during a week of events hosted as part of the Bloody Sunday March for Justice leading up to the annual Bloody Sunday March, with a series discussions and debates, film and theatre centred around a wide range of local, national and international contemporary social justice issues.
All participants are welcome to the Radical Bookfair with different visions, ideas, practices and radical traditions.
This year the Derry Radical Bookfair Collective will host a one day radical book fair as an opening in support of small press publishers and independent book sellers and producers, circulating radical reading materials and information from independent distributers, non-party political campaigns and groups to share their publications and merchandise, most of which are hard or impossible to find at mainstream book shops. Books of local, national and international interests including social and labour history as well as themes covering radical feminism, queer liberation, anarchism, marxism, republicanism and environmentalism.
Derry and its surrounding hinterland has without doubt one of the most remarkable radical heritage which has shaped the world in which we now find ourselves. A proud tradition of working class radicalism which has created many momentous events throughout the centuries and has at times forcibly changed society around us for the better.
In the docks the men organised, in the factories the women unionised and on the streets the people mobilised tearing down the walls around those who would prefer to see us in divided. It is no surprise that we continue in that spirit to build on that tradition by hosting the city’s very own Radical Bookfair in an effort to allow our class to educate, agitate and organise ourselves with the ideas that continues to create change.
Easter Commemoration Republican Socialist Movement
The Republican Socialist Movement will be commemorating the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin with a march and Rally on Saturday 26th March 2016. This commemoration will be the centrepiece of the RSM’s commemoration activities and more events are planned for Dublin and across Ireland and will be announced in due course.
The march will assemble outside Liberty Hall, Dublin on that day at 12.30pm. All Republicans, Socialists, Trade Unionists and Community Activists are welcome to attend and join the movement and our supporters in celebrating Ireland’s strike for freedom in 1916.
We are mindful that the task is incomplete as Britain still retains control over six counties in the north we hope to use the occasion of the 1916 centenary to re-ignite the desire for freedom and socialism in Ireland.
Saoirse go deo!
Fine Gael Ard Fheis
Saturday, January 23 at 1 PM
Citywest Shopping Centre, Dublin, Ireland
To coincide with the local marches that will be taking place across the country, Tallaght Says No, We Won’t Pay and Jobstown Not Guilty will be working with other local groups to organise the next march in Dublin South West.
Now wait for it, here is the icing on the cake, we are lucky enough to have one of the parties who have hammered us over the last few years in our neck of the woods. Fine Gael are holding their Ard Fheis in Citywest Hotel Sitting right at the last stop on the Red Luas line... How is that for fortunate!
So come on - let's get together and start the New Year reminding them that we will not forgive or forget – We wont take anymore of their Austerity measures! we won’t be paying their water charges! Let them know that we won’t take the criminalisation of Jobstown and the attack on the right to protest lying down!
Let’s make this the best one yet!!
Assemble at 1pm at Citywest Shopping Centre and we will march up to Citywest Hotel to let them know that we have had enough!

Irish Water Protester To Go On Trial In June
Stephen Bennett’s legal team claim
this is a test case
A protester charged with obstructing Irish Water will go on trial in June.
Stephen Bennett (44), of Pearse Green Sallynoggin, Dublin had been charged in October under the Water Service Act 2007, for obstructing the company exercising its powers, on October 21st, 2014, at Villa Park Gardens, Cabra, Dub 7.
His legal team have claimed this is a test case and among the first prosecutions brought under the Water Service Act.
The case is to be dealt with at district court level where it can result in a maximum €5,000 fine as well as a possible jail term of up to three months.
Judge Anthony Halpin ordered the trial at Dublin District Court trial would take place on June 17th. Mr Bennett, who contests the charge, was remanded on continuing bail.
Earlier the court had ordered disclosure of video evidence, footage on camcorders of Irish Water workers, to the defence.
Previously, his lawyer had said this was a test case which raised constitutional arguments.
Irish Times April 7, 2015
Irish Water Inishowen Metering
July 1, 2015 there are signs of GMC starting up.
Irish Water GMC Sierra workers have been spotted in several areas. These guys say they are checking and surveying. If you get the chance check your meter ready stop valve. If you catch them quote the above and call your neighbour and gardai.
July 02 a resident in Gemstone, Gleneely emailed
"just checked this morning and i don't have a meter fitted happy days. it was around one yesterday afternoon when my son noticed the Irish water worker checking ours. He was driving a white van with markings on the back after my son shouted out the window we don't want one he moved on."
Irish Water suspended all work on May 21st, 2015 and said it would resume at a later date. We believe that their contractor Gildea was caught out fabricating a lie in Manorcunningham about a householder threatening him, when in fact the contractor was caught on camera threatening. This date will be deleted when work resumes.
This is the bottom line
All groups and households should insist on getting the proper notices which Irish Water has published and are in all Garda Siochana stations. The way Irish Water is doing things is abuse pure and simple. They should not be allowed to go any further until everyone gets notices. Irish water, Gardai and all Inishowen councillors have been notified of this. As yet not one reply from anyone. We have made a statement on this which is on our web page
We believe Irish Water are in Moville using same strategy as we described in our web page…/buncrana-against-irish-water-…
We believe that the strategy is the same as used elsewhere in East Inishowen. There is a 2 man team picking random houses, random estates and fitting meter ready houses. We believe no notice has been given. If anyone has a meter fitted without their consent let Enda Craig or Inishowen Against Water Charges or ourselves know. If you spot them go out and stop them request a ID at least and tell them they are acting illegally since you have no notice as stated by Irish Water which is in every garda station. If you can't do that then let us know phone 08746524858 or Inishowen 0851636865, emergency no only. Make sure it is Irish Water before phoning. At least put a sign up.
Meter installers in Greencastle Monday 11th May
Some households in Gleneely area have received notices. So be on your guard. See above. Small van fitting in meter ready boxes. Van possibly no ID. Ask any suspicious characters for ID and if metering tell them you don't want one. See above for contact details.
Muff Quigley's Point
Irishwater has already been around these estates see article on our web page Here Small van fitting in meter ready boxes. Van possibly no ID. Ask any suspicious characters for ID and if metering tell them you don't want one. See above for contact details.
Some estates have received metering notices. See above links
Some estates received metering notices. See above links
Cedar Grove and Cherry Avenue in Carndonagh have received notices. Notices left on doorsteps. May 12th Abbott's Wood and Miller's way, Clos Phadraig Carndonagh received their notice this morning.
Some residents in Fahan have received notices 7th May
Latest News
According to Irish Independent all work has stopped because of alleged threats. Work on the ground is very quiet, with no reports of installation.
Buncrana Together would like to state that most newspaper articles including this one are heavily biased and erroneous. Spokesperson for Buncrana Against Irish Water stated
" Do I have to remind people about lies and propaganda? Well this is it. Unfortunately it is so serious because it could impact on some of us who have been singled out. See all posts on our facebook page Buncrana Together, all statements and articles.
Like everywhere in Ireland this type of propaganda has been used resulting in people being abused and imprisoned. Our group along with Moville group have repeatedly asked for meetings with An Garda Siochana, Irish Water to discuss problems that Irish Water and the government are causing through forced installation of meters. We got no reply from Irish Water. They have stated they have no resources to meet with residents. There was a simple solution but they did not even consider it. Instead this is their answer.
This is original article click this link to view Donegal Now A heavily biased and inaccurate reporting. Water activists throughout Inishowen are being targeted. GMC Sierra and Irish Water contractors manufacturing threats so as to step up their metering with the protection of An Garda Síochana.
Irish Independent May21
This is from Inishowen Independent May 21. Investigation of alleged Moville incident.
Can't Pay Won't Pay Bin The Bills Demonstration Letterkenny Sat April 25
Can't Pay Won't Pay bin the bills demonstration Saturday April 25 Letterkenny
The best way for anyone who shares our anger at these events is to show it, is by supporting the Bin The Bills demonstration on 25th April.
Bin Your Bills Dublin Protest April 18th Non-Payment Network
March from the Garden of Remembrance to the Dail and bin you water charges bill. Mass non-payment will make the charges uncollectable. Invite your friends and help build the boycott!
Donegal Town 2pm Sunday April 12 Demonstration Non Payment of Water Charges
Assembly in the Diamond to promote non payment of the water charge. No Marching, just a visible reminder that we’re not going away. 30 – 45 minutes max.
John Campbell, Chairman of Donegal County Council, Noel Jordan, SF Councillor, Donegal, Thomas Pringle, TD (Ind), National Citizens Movement will be attending to promote and support mass non payment of the water charge.
North West Right2Water Public Meeting Ballyshannon
This looks an interesting meeting. The lineup of speakers is very impressive. Luke Ming Flanagan is an independant Member of the European Parliament for Mindlands-North-West Constituency. Alan Lawes, Navan is a member of People before profit. Elizabeth Hourihane, Cork member of National Citizens Movement.
Moville Community For A Clean Estuary European Commission Hearing
Members of Moville's Community For A Clean Estuary are attending a European Commission hearing in Brussels on Monday 23 March 2015. They are taking a complaint against Ireland in relation to compliance with European Directive 85/337 and its access to justice provisions in respect of a waste water treatment proposal at Moville, Co Donegal Ireland. The complaint concerns a Judicial Review in the High Court Dublin before judge John Hedigan on the 5th and 8th March 2013 in case no 2011 947/J.R. Craig v An Bord Pleanala.
The Complaint to the European Commission was lodged on 30th Dec 2013. The Community For A Clean Estuary beleive that they were denied rights to environmental protection under EC law. When an Bord Pleanala granted permission for the sewage scheme in 2011 they sought a Judicicial Review of that decision. This took place in the High Court Dublin from March 5th to March 8th 2013. A request for a preliminary ruling by the ECJ on the applicability of EIA Directives at the outset of the High Court proceeding was refused and the hearing proceeded. The applicant's case was based on the environmental provisions of EC Directive 85/337 as affirmed by the ECJ ruling concerning Ireland in case C50-09. The judgement of the High Court was given against was given against the applicant on 26th August 2013.
Mr Enda Craig, chairperson Community For A Clean Estuary said the judgement made it clear that
The High Court failed to uphold the Court of Justice ruling in case C50-09 and relied on a narrow judicial review test, quoting precedents O'Keeffe, McKechnie in Kenny vs An Bord Pleanala and others. This was not consistent with the requirement in the EIA Directive that the right to challenge relates to procedural and substantive legality and not to procedural legality only.
The High Court failed to provide access to justice as provided in EIA Directives
Mr Craig said Appeal to the Supreme Court was not financilly possible for local citizens already struggling to pay for their own accrued expenses to date. This was further quashed when the potential for award of all legal expenses for both sides aginst the applicant was raised.
The outcome of this environmental case will have far reaching consequences not only in relation to the quality of our seas around Inishowen and Ireland generally but it will throw doubts on some domestic legislation and planning. Not only will it impact on the treatment of sewage and its discharge to the Foyle estuary, it will also impact on sewage discharge nationally and in particular the discharge of sewage into the Swilly. Enda Craig is chairperson of Community For A Clean Estuary, 00353749382990, . See for full details