Cllr Paul Canning, Fianna Fáil
In bold headings the Inish Times, Buncrana, Co Donegal, printed an article on January 24, 2017, entitled ' Put criminals in chain gangs for hard labour'. The reporter attributed this rather draconian statement to a County Donegal, Fianna F…áil Councillor, Mr Paul Canning, and describes it as a 'Controversial proposal'.
Unfortunately the article does not elaborate on what it termed'controversial'. It does not say where and when the statement was given, whether in private or as part of some meeting, such as the Donegal Joint Policing Committee (JLC).
If it was the DJC, it begs the question what are members discussing becauseit was reported recently that a Sinn Féin member of DJC was called for the return of 'The Birch'. It seems if some had their way we would be policed, beaten and working on chain gangs. No pussyfooting there it seems.
Whether it was said in private or in a meeting, the fact is that anyone should realise that such archaic visibletreatment of a human would be hard to legislate in supposedly and enlightened society. Could such an open call for vile degrading treatment be regarded as 'incitement to violence'? Perhaps! Could those involved, by not speaking out, be aiding and abetting? Perhaps! Could the newspaper, by not elaborating on 'controversy' be just a culpable in spreading propaganda? Perhaps!
Imagine how so called 'Republican' forget Irish history, past and present, that of oppression, internment, torture and chains and ? Imagine how one can forget 'innocent until proven guilty' or 'miscarriages of justice'?
Perhaps it might be more appropriate to think about the conditions that lead to someone committing crimes in the first place such asinequality, deprivation, lack of esteem and oppression. Maybe such a call issymptomatic or themodern phenomenon of 'Trumpism', giving one the right call for repressive measures. However, far from protecting anybody or preventing further crime, such treatment does not prevent but merely perpetuates.
Is it not ironical for a Fianna Fáil member to abdicate responsibility in light of his own Party's role in the state the country at present, the austerity and lack of hope that people have been lead into?
Is it not hypocritical and shameful of all involved whether directly or indirectly, to publicly demand 'chain gangs' and 'hard labour' especially when Inishowen is called 'Amazing Grace County'
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