Irish Water working in Ard Ban, Muff, Co Donegal with a logo on their van and without safety barriers.
This is a press release on behalf of Buncrana Against Irish Water. It has been released as a result of the way Irish Water has begun their meter installation in Inishowen, Co Donegal. A spokesperson for the group felt it necessary to inform the public that Irish Water are not giving warnings when they are coming to your area to cut off water supply and install meters. The statement has been sent to local press, Irish Water, An Garda Siochána and local TDs and councillors.
Press Release
Buncrana Against Irish Water is very concerned about the way Irish Water has begun meter installations in Inishowen.
Just like other parts of the country, Irish Water are starting installing meters here without giving prior warning to households. They are installing meters even though residents have notices on their premises stating that they do not want a meter and that they do not have nor want a contract with Irish Water.
Irish Water have clearly stated that they will give household 2 week's notice that they are coming to the area, then 3 days to households where they are going to install meters and then they will call to houses to let people know that work is going to commence.
Irish Water have also clearly stated that they will give these warning in their literature, in the media and also in An Garda Siochána web page. It is part of the protocol for them to to inform An Garda Siochána and the local authority when they are coming to an area. These warnings are normal practice. It is also common decency to give warnings. It is a public order and a health and safety issue.
Irish Water workers in Ard Ban, Muff, Van logo camouflaged
Buncrana Against Irish Water have been informed by people in the Muff/Quigley Point areas that they have not received any warnings whatsoever. How can this be right? Clearly Irish Water are reneging on their promises. It does not help community relations and it is potentially dangerous since it involves turning off water supply. This does not bode well for the future especially when the bigger metering contractors come.
It is a downright insult to people in Inishowen. It is a kick in the teeth. Buncrana Against Irish Water, spent a lot of time and effort liaising with Irish Water and An Garda Siochána in the hope that a compromise might be agreed.
One of the Meters Installed in Ard Ban in Muff, no notice given and no one informed residents
The BAIW demand that Irish Water adhere to their promises and to respect our community. BAIW remind Irish Water that this is a civil matter between them and those who do not want a meter nor a contract. If Irish Water feel that they are justified then they have recourse to the courts as stated in The Water Services Acts.
Buncrana Against Irish Water demand that An Garda Siochána and the local authority oversee Irish Water activities, to protect our rights and health and safety of the community.
Finally BAIW request all our elected representatives to help the residents of Inishowen.
This Statement was sent to all TDs in Inishowen, Councillors, An Garda Siochána and Irish Water. Irish Water replied attaching 2 brochures which householders should receive 2 weeks prior to installation and stating date work commences and safety procedures.
Below are two extracts from Irish Water's Brochures which were attached to their email reply to Buncrana Together.
Irish Water clearly state that these explanatory leaflets will be sent to each household 2 weeks prior to installation. The one below should give date work commences.
Notice they keep referring to 'Your Water Meter'
Stating clearly 2 weeks notice and then 2 days